5 Offline Marketing Ideas to Promote Your Business

group people volunteering foodbank poor people

Most people think of digital marketing as part of any modern marketing strategy. This includes making various SEO-rich online content as well as publishing social media posts on different platforms. In fact, according to McKinsey and Company, there are now 1.5 billion social media users across the globe, and more than half of them use social media to do research on a specific brand before purchasing.

Despite these statistics, many marketing experts explain that small businesses should incorporate an offline marketing strategy into their overall marketing plan on top of digital marketing. Not only do these strategies increase brand awareness, but offline ad campaigns can be hyper-focused to your target audience.

A great example would be introducing baller bands during a charity event or sports tournament. While you may not be reaching a lot of people as you would with an online ad, the people who receive your bands are more likely to take action since there is a more personal connection that’s been established. If you’re just starting, offline marketing may make more sense, as these strategies are also more affordable.

This guide explores five offline marketing ideas to promote your business.

1. Billboards

Offline Marketing Ideas to Promote Your Business

In an article posted in the Philippine Star in 2022, the Philippines was named the eighth city in the world with the longest hours spent in traffic. On the average, Filipinos spend more than four days in traffic jams every year. You can capitalize on this by using the most popular offline marketing strategy in the Philippines today: billboards. Depending on your budget, you can choose to have your billboards as a standard print-out or a digital one. Either way, billboards are a great way to build brand exposure.

An expert tip would be to choose a billboard location strategically for your target market. For example, if your brand caters to young employees or the business sector in general, you should try to place your billboards along Makati or Bonifacio Global City.

2. Promotional Products

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PROmotion Marketing, LLC estimates that 90 percent of people who receive a promotional product can recall the name of the brand two years after receiving the item. Not only that, but people who receive a promotional item also tend to have a favorable impression of the advertiser, making them more willing to conduct business with the brand.

There are so many items to choose from, but one of the more popular items you’ll see, especially in youth events, are baller bands and baller bracelets. These custom silicone bands are cost-effective ways to promote your company.

3. Giveaways
Filipinos love contests, so why not consider making one for your brand? It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but it should be related to your product or service somewhat. For example, some fitness coaches create a jumpstart challenge that asks people to work on their health and fitness goals for two weeks. The person who achieves the most weight loss or has the most inspiring health story receives a giveaway–which is usually a product endorsed by the coach.

You can tailor this to your brand. Create a challenging but doable contest, with the winner receiving free samples of your product. Not only does this create goodwill, but winners will also try your product out, and if they like it, will refer their friends and family to you. It’s a great way to promote word-of-mouth advertising.

4. Print ads

Despite the rise of online media, there are still some people who prefer to read actual magazines or newspapers. This works best if your target market is older or lives someplace where internet connectivity is a challenge. Aside from billboards, print ads are one of the more popular offline marketing strategies in the country–and are most evident during election campaigns.

A great way to maximize your reach is to have an agreement with your local newspaper or radio station. Pitch regular press releases to them or ask if you could speak with them once in a while. As much as possible, stay active with the press in all their forms.

5. Community Events

If your budget allows it, sponsor a community event. This wraps up the list because a community event allows you to use the other four strategies mentioned earlier. You can build brand awareness for the event with billboards and give away promotional items during the event itself. You can also have print ads before and after the event to keep exposure to your brand as long as possible.

Try to think of community events that are aligned with your company goals. For example, you can host a 5k run to benefit a charity that you believe in or host a fundraiser to support an underprivileged sector that your business supports.

Keep in mind that offline marketing strategies should complement your online marketing ones. The goal is not to prefer one over the other, but to use both to create maximum impact for your brand.