Are Custom Hand Sanitizers Best For Protecting Against Coronavirus?

people holding clear-glass bottle

The coronavirus outbreak continues in escalating in the Philippines. Many people are starting to hoard face masks, alcohol and sanitizers. And hand sanitizers are flying off the shelves in the local stores. But do custom hand sanitizers really help in stopping viruses? In this article, we will highlight the common ways on how hand sanitizers can keep you and your family safe and protected. 

How Effective are Hand Sanitizers?

Surprising as it may seem, but most hand sanitizers contain some kind of alcohol. However, it’s important to check if the hand sanitizer you use is 60% alcohol or less. Hand sanitizers are often compared to using warm water and soap when it comes to disinfecting the hands. These are useful in places like hospitals and even beyond hospital settings like schools, offices, parks, and malls. 

Custom Hand Sanitizers to Promote Your Business

Germs are always lurking in every corner, from your morning coffee, your mobile phone, elevator rides, doorknobs, and kitchenwares. Luckily, a good custom sanitizer is all you need to avoid getting the risk of getting any extra germs. And if you are a business owner who is looking for your next event giveaway, a few bottles of hand sanitizer can do wonders for your business. 

Shaking hands during social gatherings is a common norm. However, this is one of the most common ways to spread germs. The easiest way to show your guests and customers that you care about their well-being is by giving away these customizable hand sanitizers designed with your own business logo. 

Pinoy Ballers offers a variety of disinfectants that can be customized with your business logo. All of our hand sanitizers are fully customizable and can help you promote your business. Browse our shop now for more information. Call or text us now at +63 927-877-5212, +632 8929-9845. Or send us an email at